
来源:国际交流中心 来源作者:Lindsy 来源时间:2017-08-10 13:47:08编辑人:  发布时间:2017-08-10 13:47:08 浏览次数:

过大年 包饺子 | How to make dumplings during the spring festival

  Whether it’s crispy Peking duck, crescent shaped wontons, succulent sweet and sour pork, or noodles stir fried to perfection, Chinese cuisine appeals to palates and satisfies hungry stomachs all over the world. But the most famous, most delicious and most savory of all the Chinese culinary exports perhaps is none other than the humble dumpling.



  Known as jiaozi (饺子), this particular type of Chinese dumpling typically consists of a ground meat and vegetable filling wrapped into thinly rolled pieces of wheat dough. Eggs, noodles, tofu and fish are also common fillings. It is usually paired with a soy-vinegar sauce or a hot chili sauce for dipping. As one of the most common foods eaten during the Chinese New Year and year-round in the northern provinces, these little dumplings boast an impressive history that spans back over 1,800 years.


  Historicaly, the first recorded jiaozi recipe appears in texts written during the Zhou Dynasty (1056-256 B.C.). Zhang Zhongjing, also known as the "Medicine Saint” from the Han Dynasty was the sole creator of these tasty treats. From his village he noticed that many of his villagers ears were frostbitten. Determined to help, he took mutton, warming herbs and chili, wrapped them in dough in which he then shaped like an ear, boiled and distributed them to his fellow villagers as a way of warming their bodies and ears. This made its mark in Chinese history and continues to warm the hearts (and ears) and fill the bellies of those who consume them.


  Despite their humble origins and appearence, these portable packets of deliciousness play an important role in Chinese culture. On the eve of the Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, families gather together to prepare dumpling fillings and stuff the packets of dough with homemade deliciousness. At midnight, these tasty creations are consumed, for it is believed that eating dumplings on New Year’s Eve brings good luck and happiness. They are arranged in a circle when served as it symolizes family reunions. Also, since the shape of dumplings is similar to ancient Chinese ingots, they are also believed to bring financial prosperity. Dumplings are also eaten during the winter solstice, which occurs during December 21 and marks the shortest day of the year. Furthermore, dumplings have gradually become an essential ritual food for special occasions in northern China, such as being served to guests at weddings or after the birth of a child.



  So how does one prepare dumplings? It is easier than you think, but folding the dough intricately is more difficult than it seems. Creating the fillings is perhaps the easiest part. Stir fry meat such as chicken, pork, beef or mutton, etc., vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, celery, Chinese leek, carrot and cucumber, etc. or seafood such as crab, shrimp and fish in oil. Add scrambled eggs and noodles if you prefer and combine until everything is evenly distributed. Take wheat flour and add enough water to mold into a ball and knead it until it is smooth and pliable. Add the cooked fillings to the dough and fold the edges to create a packet. Finally, boil the dumplings before serving.

  所以饺子到底是怎么做的呢?首先,最简单就是准备饺子馅儿:把鸡肉、猪肉、牛肉或者羊肉剁碎,再把大白菜、芹菜、韭菜、胡萝卜或者黄瓜切好,还可以加入螃蟹、虾或鱼等海鲜。根据个人爱好,还可以加入鸡蛋和面条,并充分搅拌。然后,放入小麦面粉和足够的水,揉成柔韧的面团后,放入酵母使其发酵。最后擀出饺子皮,把馅儿上去包好。 最后,把饺子放进水里煮就行了。

  As a volunteer for DiscoverShandong, my colleagues and I were fortunate to be kindly invited to a Chinese person’s home to make and eat dumplings. The fillings were already prepared as we arrived and contained meat with vegetables and a vegetarian option. Our task was to stuff the dough with the fillings and to fold the edges to create their shape. The Chinese women showed us how to properly fold the dough, although I had great difficulties folding it as intricately as they did. But despite their appearance they tasted just as good! This event was prepared by the International Exchange Center, which aims to present important aspects of Chinese culture to foreigners living in Jinan and in Shandong Province. I am very thankful for the delicious meal and experience and it is a special memory in China I will not forget. When I return home I would like to add this to my family’s tradition.

  作为Discover Shandong的志愿者,我和我的同事们十分幸运地被邀请到当地居民家里,去制作和品尝饺子。主人已经准备好了饺子馅儿,我们的任务就是包饺子了。这家的主妇十分热情地教我们怎么把饺子皮折起来,这个步骤太难了!我们包出来的饺子虽然很丑,但是味道十分好!这真的是一次难忘的经历,太感谢能有这样的机会,我会永远记住这顿美味的饺子的!这项活动是由国际交流中心举办的,旨在展示中国的特色美食,让在济南的留学生和外国人能体验到中国文化最重要的部分。我回家的时候,一定会把过节吃饺子这项传统带回去的。

